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Service cost
For your convenience, we have created tariff "ONE", where the cost of our services does not depend on the cost of goods. You pay only for the weight of the parcel and for the storage of purchases!
You will have a full list of services:

Personal address for purchases
Receiving purchases to the warehouse
Photos of goods received at the warehouse
Checking purchases for compliance
Removing unnecessary packaging
Consolidation of goods
Photo of the collected parcel
Filling in the customs declaration
Storage of all goods in the warehouse - 45 days
Standard type of packaging for parcels of any weight
Preparation of a parcel weighing up to 4 kg

Additional charges:

— If the shelf life is exceeded - 0.1 € / day for 1 item

— With a parcel weighing over 4 kg, additionally: from 4 to 10 kg - 2 € / kg; from 10 to 30 kg - 1 € / kg

from 12€
for 1 parcel
How much does it cost to store 1 product in a warehouse?

We store each of your goods for free in our warehouse for at least 45 days. If the storage period is exceeded, a flat fee will be charged for each day of excess, regardless of the value and size of the goods.

For example: good arrived at the warehouse 58 days ago. The free storage limit is 45 days, which means if you have formed a parcel 58 days after the goods arrived at the warehouse, you will need to pay additionally: 58 days – 45 days = 13 days * 0.10€ = 1.30€

How is the cost calculated if the total weight of the parcel is more than indicated in the tariff?

As indicated in the description of the tariff, for the basic cost, we can pack you a parcel weighing up to 4 kg. In case of exceeding the weight of the parcel, a fee will be charged for each subsequent kilogram of weight, rounded up.

For example: the total weight of your parcel is 15,25 kg. Always remember that the total weight of a parcel consists of the weight of the goods themselves, packaging and packaging material. In any case, the weight of the parcel at 15,25 is rounded to 16 kg and the cost will be calculated as follows:12€ (for the first 4 kg) + (10 kg - 4 kg) * 2€ + (16 kg - 10 kg) * 1€ = 12€ + 12€ + 6€ = 30€

All your orders are checked against payment
documents for free
Additionally, we can check the goods for defects in order to identify obvious mechanical damage and violations of the integrity of the original packaging
The goods that are in the factory packaging are NOT checked and verification requires violation
The functionality of software and components for computer equipment and electronics is NOT checked
The product is NOT checked if
assembly is required to verify its functionality
Additional packaging
Packing in a box with a double layer of cardboard.
Gluing of seams and corners of the box with tape
Packaging for fragile goods. Extra protection with filler and bubble wrap
Packaging with the maximum amount of protective filler. Suitable for valuable goods
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